Personality Type Description

By Fannie R. Linder, Psy.D.*


  • Outgoing
  • Warm
  • Charming
  • Cheerful
  • Caring
  • Generous
  • Optimistic
  • Enjoys life
  • Fun to be with
  • Conversationalist
  • Openminded
The Linder
Personality Type Descriptions
by Fannie R. Linder, Psy.D.*



Outgoing, warm, charming and cheerful are the hallmarks of the ESFP. Extremely close behind are the characteristics of generosity and caring.

ESFPs love people, places and things! They LOVE having FUN!

"All the world is a stage" is certainly true of the ESFP. They are "at home" wherever people are.

ESFPs definitely prefer that there NEVER be any "bad news" or deadly serious talk.

Seriousness requires critical analysis and THAT is not an ESFP strength. In fact, many feel that if they can just postpone even thinking about "it" long enough, something will be SURE to come up [THIS IS THEIR OPTIMISM TALKING!] that will solve everything---and wouldn't that be wonderful!

Novelty is intriguing and stimulating... surely "something new" - experiences, foods, people, ideas - is the spice of life.

ESFPs love laughter, talking, sharing, playing, helping, giving - sometimes to a fault. Their "fun-loving, non-judgmental natures" can be abused many times over, but they do somewhat invite it, too. Those who know them know that their easy-going, open-minded natures are apt to lead them to be "in it before they know it"!

The ESFP love for people makes them fun to be with, good conversationalists and playful when people are looking for someone to relax with and to enjoy themselves with.

Feelings help the ESFP to make many decisions. They are deeply caring, cheerful and optimistic and will make many of their decisions based upon those characteristics.

It is VERY difficult for them to be disciplinarians, particularly when called upon to use deprivation as a disciplinarian's tool. Generally, then, since they are such people-persons and are persons of great good-will, they will "cut people some slack"...and "cut them some slack"...and "cut them some slack". Get the picture?

It is said that if not critically practiced and used, "thinking becomes a liability. ESFPs do well to seek out confirmation of the soundness of tough-minded decisions".

It is also difficult for the ESFP to be asked to deal with the abstract. They much prefer what they can see, touch, taste, smell and hear: hands-on experiencing. Intuition and visualizing are not strong points and it is difficult for them to "imagine". They much prefer concrete examples to help them to understand.


This concludes our description of the ESFP personality type.


* Personality Type Description used with permission from the author, Fannie R. Linder, Psy.D.