If I already know my personality type,
is there any need to take the
MBTI assessment again?


First, check that your personality type was derived from taking the genuine MBTI tool. Other type instruments are not as reliable and valid.

Second, consider how long ago you took the MBTI assessment and whether your life circumstances have changed dramatically since then.

Generally, because the MBTI tool measures inherent preferences, there is no need to take it multiple times. However, if your life has changed significantly, you might find it helpful to take it again.

In addition, the newer forms of the MBTI assessment are based on the latest research, so if it has been several years since you took the assessment, you might consider retaking it.

Third, if you have not already done so, consider contacting a professional who can help you take Step II of the MBTI tool, an advanced form that provides more depth to the four-letter type by looking at different facets of each of the four preferences.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Myers-Briggs, and the MBTI logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust in the United States and other countries.