Does the MBTI tool stereotype people?
No, the MBTI tool does not stereotype.
Among the basic principles of the instrument, as stated
in the Introduction to Type® booklet
written by Isabel Briggs Myers, are the
- Each type has special gifts.
- Each person is unique and
expresses type in a unique way.
- There are no right or wrong
- You are the final judge of your
own psychological type; your MBTI results suggest your
type based on your responses, but the individual is
the final judge of his or her own type.
- Type does not explain everything;
humans are complex.
- Type may be used to understand
and forgive, but never as an excuse.
- Become aware of your type biases
to avoid negative stereotyping.
Some persons who use the MBTI tool may
not be aware of their type biases and may stereotype
persons based on MBTI type. This is NOT a proper use of
psychological type. |