Will my personality type change over time?


Because your type is inherent, your basic preferences will likely not change.

However, type develops over a person’s life span.

Carl Jung theorized that people have an innate urge to grow and have everything they need within themselves to become healthy, effective individuals. Psychological type is the compass guiding this growth process.

Jung’s theory states that the first half of life is spent confirming and using one’s strongest preferences.

Then, the second half of life is spent developing lesser-used type-related functions to add balance and depth to life.

For example, a person whose type is ENTJ—Extraversion, Intuition, Thinking, and Judging—may have spent his early life building a career and seeking advancement.

At midlife and later, that person may make more use of what is less preferred for him—Sensing and Feeling—by volunteering in a community organization with many opportunities to help people (F) in a tangible way (S).

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